Welcome to Abercorn Primary School!
At Abercorn we believe that a strong focus on Pastoral Care ensures pupils feel cared for, valued and nurtured. Accordingly this enables our children to reach their full potential. Our dedicated and professional staff team is committed to providing excellent learning opportunities for all our pupils both inside and outside of the classroom environment with a range of extra curricular activities, day trips and residential visits available.
Academic standards are high, hard work, mutual respect and kindness are valued. We recognise that each child is an individual and want each child to experience success and to achieve as high a standard as possible.
" Learning and Working Together" our school motto is evidenced through the positive relationships between school, home and the wider local community. We are a school that believes in Shared Education and have strong links to other schools in the area. We value the support of local churches and businesses, external agencies and sports clubs to enrich our pupil learning experience.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school office for further information or to arrange a visit. I would be very happy to welcome you into school and let you experience for yourself the warm , family friendly atmosphere for which we are renowned.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs S. Saulters
Some comments from the ETI Inspection Report in January 2014
" the highly effective, committed and strategic leadership provided by the principal, supported well by the vice-principal, the senior leadership team and the curriculum leadership team which has resulted in a collaborative culture focused clearly on school improvement"
" the well developed processes of disseminating innovative practice in teaching and learning within the school"
" the very good and outstanding lessons observed during the follow -up process, two thirds of which were outstanding"
" the rigorous process of school development planning and self evaluation"
" the significantly enhanced quality of the learning experiences for the children"
" almost all of the children achieve in line with their ability, or above expectation"
" in the areas inspected, the quality of education provided by this school is outstanding."