Home Page

Abercorn Primary School

Learning and Working Together “The quality of education provided by this school is outstanding” January 2014 ETI


Home Learning

On this page you will find several help documents and a PowerPoint that guide you on how to access My School and the wealth of apps available for P5, P6 and P7 pupils.  These documents are also available in Romanian, Polish, Latvian and Arabic.


The full Microsoft Office package, including Word and PowerPoint, is available for all pupils to download to a laptop, PC or iPad, FREE of charge.  Please find the help page on how to this below in the documents section.


Here are a few more resources you can be accessing at home:

  • YouTube Learn at Home.
  • Google Teach from Home.
  • eBooks can be accessed at
  • NewsDesk is also posting stories and activities which can be accessed through My School for Years 5-7 using your child's c2k username and password.



