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Abercorn Primary School

Learning and Working Together “The quality of education provided by this school is outstanding” January 2014 ETI


Primary 4 Mrs Nixon/Mrs Davidson

Welcome to P4ND    

Useful websites for Maths and Literacy Games 

Decorating baubles on our first Festive Friday in December. More fun to come next Friday🎅


World Around Us Topic 1: AUTUMN

This is a most interesting time of the year to get out and about and notice the changes which are taking place with the weather, animals and plants.


Get to know the names of the trees near to where you live and make sure the whole family go for a walk in Solitude Park or even to Gosford, Castlewellan or Tollymore Forest Park over the next few months.


We have been exploring our school forest area by identifying trees, seeds and fruits. Using crayons, we have been doing bark rubbings of a mixture of deciduous and evergreen trees and comparing our results.


In the school grounds we collected natural materials. After that, each group chose a spot in the forest area and created a piece of art in the style of the artist Andrew Goldsworthy. Well done everyone 🍁

🦋Having fun with symmetry activities🦋

We had fun experimenting with mirrors to find the line of symmetry in pictures, shapes and patterns. Everyone enjoyed using ‘Symmetry Artist’ on the computer to create their own symmetrical picture. 

🍂Autumn Activity Based Learning🍂

ABL is one of P4’s favourite times of the week. There were lots of opportunities to play together and learn more about autumn

School in the Past: Activity Based Learning 

Learning to sew, being ‘a teacher from the past’, trying cursive writing, being books detectives and of course, playing old style card games like ‘DONKEY’ 

Fun from the class of 2023-2024

World War 2 Activity Based Learning

Real Life Maths: Weighing

Easter bunny hunt in our school forest area

World Book Day Fun 





School in the Past

Chinese New Year

PE in our assembly hall

We all enjoyed a visit from the Amazing Journey.
